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How To Massage Your Head

How To Massage Your Head,  It may reduce stress and reduces your tension. head massage is good for brain its given to the small surrounding small muscles of the head. these muscles have passes impulses from receptors toward or to the central nervous system. and signal passes to the brain. This stimulates the brain to function better. Specifically gentle head massages helps you to  relieve from headache and  toothache. A head massage is a deep style that focuses on the head, neck and shoulders.

How To Massage Your Head

How To Massage Your Head

Many types of massage strokes are used during a head massage. You can do some self massage to stop the headache. Massage the fore head and temples with your finger tips. There are so many self massage techniques For health problem. According to a small study trusted Source, researchers concluded that regular scalp massages may lead to thicker hair. If have a hair fall problem it will helps you.  you can use the fingertips of both hands to apply light to medium pressure to your scalp and circulates small circles. Work your way across your scalp to cover all areas. Try to massage your scalp using your fingertips for at least 5 minutes at a time, several times a day there is more possibilities to get a new hair

Some massages helps to relieve from toothache. Put your eyebrows on the table and place your thumbs on the jaw. Make the small circles with the thumb find the paint points on your cheek and chin. After finding the pain point massage gently on the painful place and do it until you feel feel relax. This is the blue relax youtube channel video it describes self massage techniques for health problem. Follow these given tips to you will surely feel relax. Subscribe our channel for more health tips and meditation music.