How to calculate your age? there are different ways to calculate the person’s age. Here this the age calculator and birthday reminder app. You can remind yours family members birthday date. This app build for android by the most common age system. The calculator define the age of interval between two dates of birth date and the current date of today. Our age calculator works out your age in years, months, weeks and days and tells you what day you were born on. Age is calculate by counting number of years, months and days completed since birth. Leaps years and months with 31 days are all divided in the calculations. So, you can expect a very accurate calculation of the age down to the number of days.
How to calculate your age
How to calculate your age and remind the birthday using age calculator and birthday reminder app. There are lots of age calculator apps floating on playstore. But this is the best app of them. After installing app the calculator is open automatically .Calculate the age based on the Date of Birth and another date (default is the current date). We will enter only our birth date down then click the calculate button. your dates are starts calculate. You can get a very accurate calculation of the age down to the number of days. and you can see how many months to yours next birthday. You can find how old you are in years, months weeks and days.
Birthday reminder service is helps you remember most important dates like birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, sympathy, and holidays like Labor Day. Once you set reminder. Its automatically reminds us on that day. Both Adult and children, persons at any age categories can easily use this app. For the further details you can download the app in playstore and try it.